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Your home for heliconia seeds and rhizomes, at The Tropical Flower Store you will find a wide variety of heliconia seeds and rhizomes from the Caribbean, South America, regionSouth America, Central America and the Indo Pacific On our products page you will find: Favorites such as Heliconia Rostrata seeds and rhizomesSiam Rose torch ginger seeds and rhizomes, other hard to find ginger seeds and rhizomes Rare heliconia seeds and rhizomes such as Orthotrichas and Penduloide Perfect Darling Heliconia Bihai seeds and rhizomes Heliconia Orthotrichas seeds and rhizomes Heliconia Stricta seeds and rhizomes Heliconia Caribaea seeds and rhizomes Heliconia Excelsa seeds Heliconia Longa seeds Heliconia Chartacea seeds and rhizomes Heliconia Bourgaeana New heliconia variations from seedlings About our products…All heliconia seeds and rhizomes on this site are offered to encourage the cultivation of heliconia plants. At the Tropical Flower Store you will find a wide variety of heliconias and gingers. Customer support is available through our heliconia enthusiast blog and contact page. New Items/Suggestions…We continually search for new heliconia seeds, rhizomes and innovative ideas to offer our customers. Our Goal... is to promote the cultivation of heliconia plants and create an user friendly members blog for heliconia enthusiasts to share their heliconia growing experiences. To request permission to use a photograph: Open and click on the photograph for which you are asking permission Copy and paste URL into a message addressed to Your message should include the name of your organization, what your organization does, whether or not for profit and the manner in which you wish to use the image. Permission when granted is given with the understanding that copyright requierments will be followed and that acknowledgement will be given to the source of the image. |